Student Success

Your success is our success.

Our goal is to help students develop skills and plans to graduate in a timely manner while engaging with our community of learners. We are passionate about helping students, and expect students to work hard to be successful.

Our services are offered primarily in person but we are able to accommodate remote appointments, depending on the circumstance. Contact us if you need an appointment outside of business hours.

Location: Neff Hall, room 115
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Phone: (316) 978-3209
Campus Box: 97

We are here for you.

We serve students in all academic majors, regardless of class or academic standing, through a coordinated network of many campus partners. We know navigating the university can be overwhelming, and we are eager to help you reach your goals.

  • Success Coach appointments: Find out how a Success Coach can help by connecting here. You can call or email your coach to schedule an appointment, or request an appointment directly from our Success Coach page.
  • Tutoring and Supplemental Instruction (SI):  If you want to improve your academic performance in your classes, visit the Shocker Learning Center. If your class has SI, connect with your SI leader in Blackboard. You may request a tutor from myWSU and work independently with your tutor to coordinate sessions. 
  • If you need help transitioning to Wichita State as a new student, connect with First-Year Programs for information and peer support from a Transition Mentor.
  • Need help managing your money? Our partners in Financial Aid can help!
  • Study skills and strategies can be found here, including information about time management.


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Wichita State University (“WSU”) does not discriminate on the basis of sex in its education programs, activities, admissions and employment.